How Secure is your IT-Network in Yangon, Myanmar?
Is protecting your SECOND-largest corporate cost center and employee productivity important?

How to make your Internet and IT Network Secure.
After the QA, leaving back to your office we intend to have given you a framework and insight how your network and IT can be more secure. This by taking care of basics, (bad) human habits and by implementing healthy standards and of course the right securely managed equipment in place.
Hacking, Security Breaches, Slow Networks, Employees who love Facebook and Youtube a bit too much, people who link their 3G to the companies network with best intentions and more “daily life” for IT-Managers and some tips and tricks gathered during 20 years experience.
Security steps everybody can take.
This Free Seminar will help you to understand what you and your team can do by yourself, which tools are helpful and which tasks you or your team need additional training for or guidance from an expert. We will give you a framework that helps to analyze your organization, to make a SWOT analysis with your IT strengths and weaknesses.
What not?
Bernard Collin, CEO and Founder of Safecoms will focus on the human factor causing security breaches. The best technician can be surprised how people find loopholes and this way, cause security breaches. The Seminar isn’t a technical lecture how IT Networks work or how hackers technically prepare their attack.
Free Seminars and QA
- We organize free seminars for INGO’s, Member Associations and Companies.
- We offer Guest Speakers to Universities and other organizations and take part in educational events.
Contact us for more info;
- A quick mail with your contact details is enough
E-Mail: infomm@safecoms-wordpress.jpxyza.easypanel.host
- Office: +95 9 972 098 870
Who should attend?
- Is your IT & Computer Network Business Critical ?
- Do you have IT-related Security responsibilities for 50 or more (1000 – 5000) workstations ?
Then the answer = Yes!
Profile attendees;
- INGO-Management, if IT is Business Critical for you?
- Managers from Companies with large Business Critical IT Networks.
- Entrepreneurs, Managers and Business Developers who provide related services. Safecoms could offer added value because of our specific expertise and International Manpower Availability.
- Bank & Embassy Managers with IT-Security Responsibility.
- Financial & Insurance Company Management with IT-Network related responsibilities.
- Companies with many branches and/or a high security risk.
- Market Research, BPO, Outsourcing IT Management.
- Network and IT-Management from Companies in Myanmar’s Industrial Zones active in Automotive; Oil and Offshore, or other Industries where large IT Networks are Business Critical and often challenging to manage
Internet Security Expert Bernard Collin on TV

Bernard Collin, CEO of Safecoms, has over 20 years of experience in IT Network Security in Australia and Southeast-Asia. He shares his experience and speaks about common pitfalls, security breaches by well-meaning and less grateful people.
In the picture Bernard speaking for the Thai Television regarding Internet Security.
I hope to meet you at one of our events.
Contact us today: infomm@safecoms-wordpress.jpxyza.easypanel.host
Bernard Collin
CEO – Safecoms Group.
The fast growth of Myanmar and certainly Yangon affects every Business.
We all like the comfort of our own car but we don’t like traffic jams and the cost of car maintenance. We know however that this is part of the game. Computer, Internet and IT Network security is like a traffic jam, ever evolving, always changing so we should be prepared. Large cities have monitoring systems in place and they use Big Data to analyse traffic, risks of jams. Safecoms isn’t in the business of City Planning and avoiding Traffic Jams. We explain first the basics (buckle-up, no pen-drives allowed without software checking for viruses, …) and from the basics we always go a level higher to make Businesses Networks as Safe and Secure as possible, or water tight we could say, in this rainy season.
Great progress includes great challenges.
Sometimes things are forgotten or not really done the way they should. Myanmar couldn’t make such a fast progress if people always where focusing on what isn’t perfect and what could go wrong (proper planning and project management is required of course). I couldn’t agree more however, looking back and being proud of what you achieved is good but don’t forget to look back, in detail for what you missed.